Highly amusing clip from Stargate Atlantis.
(Via Mark Rebec)
life, coding, technology, outdoors, photography
Highly amusing clip from Stargate Atlantis.
(Via Mark Rebec)
Using auto-tune and clips from Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking to explain the Universe. Beautiful
And here is another song done by the same artist, this time featuring Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Bill Nye.
More information is available at The Symphony of Science.
[Via Mental Floss]
This footage of San Francisco, shot in 1958, is simply beautiful.
San Francisco 1958 from Jeff Altman on Vimeo.
I love this city with all my heart.
[Via Spots Unknown]
A ridiculous video showing a guy shooting an anvil into the air.
[Via Kottke]
I’m just going to say it. I’ve wanted to do this to my PS3 a number of times.
[Via Gizmodo]
Earlier this week, my parents took some photos of Tanker 910 flying over their house while fighting a fire near their home. Tanker 910 is a converted DC-10 that is specifically equipped to drop fire retardant.
Here is video of Tanker 910 making drops near another fire near my parents’ house earlier this month:
And here is another great video of Tanker 910 making a drop in 2007:
Here are a few more photos of this beautiful aircraft flying by my parents’ house this week:
The Longest Way 1.0 – one year walk/beard grow time lapse from Christoph Rehage on Vimeo.
I posted this on Laughing Squid last month but apparently forgot to post it here.
In November 2007, Christoph Rehage set foot from Beijing, China with a goal of walking to Berlin, Germany, a distance of over 4,500 miles. He created a short video called “The Longest Way 1.0“, documenting his journey over the course of a year and featuring self portrait photographs he took each day on his trip that shows his hair and beard getting longer.
At this rate, I’m going to be able to release a new album very soon. I’d call it “Horrible Songs for Good People.”
Anyway, my friend Nate just had his first child. I decided to pull out the guitar again and write another song! It’s called, “Nate is a Daddy” and is dedicated to him and the new addition to his family. It features his interests (freeways), his favorite sports team (Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim), and my favorite sports team (Los Angeles Dodgers of Awesome).
Nate is a daddy,
you can be one too!
Nate is a daddy,
what’s he going to do?Think of all the fun he’ll have,
waking up at night.
Crying babies, lack of sleep,
it’s such a beautiful sight.He’ll teach her about freeways,
And how the Angels suck.
She should be a Dodger fan,
for good luck.But all that doesn’t matter,
at the end of the day.
Because Nate is a daddy,
So what do you say?Nate is a daddy,
what’re you going to do?
Nate is a daddy,
you can be one too!
Today is Mark’s birthday. Mark is one of my roommates that I live with. I decided to write a song for him featuring references to his studies in science (bioengineering – eyes), his interests (Shark Week on the Discovery Channel), and his hobbies (making cheesecake).
I went ahead and recorded the song with my Kodak Zi6. So the audio quality isn’t the greatest (nor is the singing ability). But really, what’s the point of posting a video on YouTube if you’re not going to embarrass yourself, right? Here you go!
Lyrics are below:
Happy birthday to Mark
He studies eyeballs in the dark.
He wants to get his Ph.D
That really means a lot to me.Happy birthday to you Mark.
You enjoy shows about sharks.
And you’ll be a doctor one day,
Which will help with the bills you have to pay.You are my roommate!
And I think that’s really cool.
You make some great cheesecake,
that makes my mouth drool.
Happy birthday to you Mark.
Happy birthday to you.