So long to an eternal optimist

Desmond Tutu speaks at Civic Center Plaza.

In 2008, I was fortunate enough to attend a talk and rally by Archbishop Desmond Tutu in support of Tibetan freedom at the United Nations Plaza in San Francisco. This rally was held ahead of the controversial 2008 Olympic torch relay that was making its way through San Francisco during the week.

Much later, I read “The Book of Joy”, a series of conversations between the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. In my opinion, it’s one of those rare and potentially life changing books. Two men, who have both faced many challenges, share how they managed to remain optimistic and hopeful despite the incredible challenges they’ve faced in their lives.

What a kind, beautiful soul and someone that we needed in our world today.

Deconstructing Pier 36 [updated]

I’ve been checking out the progress of the Pier 36 teardown the last few weeks along Embarcadero as I walk home from work each day. The pier is being torn down in preparation for the next America’s Cup regatta, to be held in San Francisco in 2013. It’s been a pretty fascinating process to see!

Earlier today, I snapped a few photos with my iPhone using the Hipstamatic photo app. Black and white make for some pretty dramatic photos of a construction site!

Updated: New photos added April 12, 2012.

Deconstruction at Pier 36

Deconstruction at Pier 36

Deconstruction at Pier 36

Deconstruction at Pier 36

Deconstruction at Pier 36

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Deconstructing Pier 36 in San Francisco

Wouldn’t it be cool if Sutro Tower had a restaurant on top of it?

Sutro tower

In game

Transmission tower in Dreamtopia, inspired by San Francisco’s Sutro Tower

Earlier this week, the ngmoco:) team behind We Rule released our latest game: Dreamtopia! (Currently only available for Android.)

The basic premise behind the game is that you have have the ability to make dreams come true — in order to do that, you need to build things to fulfill various goals for each character.

Imagine my surprise when I saw this absolutely awesome take on San Francisco’s very own Sutro Tower inside our game! I think it raises a valid point:

How awesome would it be if there were a restaurant / observation deck on top of Sutro Tower?

I’m not the only one to wonder this. Three years ago, Laughing Squid had an awesome post on what it was like from the top of Sutro Tower.

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Photo by El Caganer

So, who do we have to talk to in order to make this happen? 😉

Awesome seats for Fleet Week 2011

My friend Scott and I took the afternoon off this past Friday to check out the Blue Angels practicing over San Francisco. We somehow found ourselves on a boat and ended up having front row seats to the practice. It was incredible!

If you need some proper theme music, may I suggest the Top Gun soundtrack? You’re welcome!

Moving to Oakland

It’s official. After living in San Francisco for the last seven and a half years, I’m moving! More specifically, Kerry and I are moving to Oakland. There are a number of reasons: easier commutes for both of us (seriously! BART > Muni), cheaper, and the apartment we’re moving into is just fabulous.

Don’t worry, I still love you, San Francisco. We’re just trying something new for a bit!

It seems like such a lovely place, doesn’t it? 😉

Blek le Rat stencil at Cafe Divis

This is a relatively new stencil that popped up at my favorite neighborhood coffee shop. It was created by a French street artist named Blek Le Rat. Some have speculated that Blek le Rat’s stencil style is the inspiration for Banksy.

Via Wikipedia:

British graffiti artist Banksy has acknowledged Blek’s influence stating "every time I think I’ve painted something slightly original, I find out that Blek Le Rat has done it as well, only twenty years earlier."

Insane geological coincidence at Lotta’s Fountain

Lotta’s Fountain, originally uploaded by Dave Schumaker.

Today marks 105 years after the great earthquake and fire ravaged San Francisco in 1906. I decided to take a stroll downtown and pay my respects at Lotta’s Fountain.

I took this photo at 2:54PM. Three minutes later, a magnitude 3.8 earthquake hit the Bay Area. It was located on the San Andreas fault and was just southeast of where the 1906 epicenter was thought to be. What?!

F Market to the Castro


“F this train! (Don’t worry, it’s all cool.)” – January 3rd, 2011

Even when I’m otherwise pissed off at SF Muni, the F line always pulls through. It’s one of my favorite ways to travel through the city — the historic cars, the old seats, and the awesome growl of the train as it travels down the tracks. It’s not the quickest, but it’s fun!