The Communist Party



I love this Threadless shirt, called “The Communist Party“, created by Tom Burns. Though I’m a sucker for puns. It reminds me of the Bad Religion song “Atomic Garden” which has the following verse:


And I’m glad I’m not Gorbachev

’cause I’d wiggle all night

Like jelly in a pot

At leats he’s got a garden with a fertile plot

And a party that will never stop


What did Grandpa just say?!

“David is a whore…” 

That’s not something you expect to hear at a family party, let alone come out of your grandfather’s mouth. 

I’m in Southern California for the weekend to celebrate my grandmother’s 80th birthday with family and friends. Since I’m traveling light and with my new toy, I decided to bring along my iPad. 

After arriving and saying our hellos, I gave the iPad to my Grandpa, who was sitting at a table with a number of his friends. He briefly looked at it and passed it around. After getting it back, he opened up the Notes application and read something off the screen. 

“David is a whore…”


Everyone started laughing, and I did too. I knew my Grandpa was a funny person, but I’d never heard him make a joke like that before. I was pretty confused and wondered if we’ve crossed some new line of humor with my family. He looked at me and said, “No, really. That’s what it says!”

He handed the iPad to me. And sure enough, I saw this on the screen:

It turns out that my sister had apparently used my iPad without my knowledge and decided to leave me a special message that I might find at a later time. 

Well played, Sister. Well played.  

Austin, TX – For SF residents in exile

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I’m here in Austin, TX for a few days for our gdgt live event at SXSW. Since such a large contingent of the San Francisco tech crowd is here, a group of San Franciscan folks are handing out SF Embassy cards.

On March 11, 2010,
the San Francisco diplomatic mission to Austin commenced
with the establishment of
the SF EMBASSY on 6th Street.

San Francisco residents traveling to Austin for SXSW 2010
are advised to stay in close contact
for the duration of their visit.

Especially around brunch.

Hah, pretty awesome!

Watch out for South-by-SARS though, that’ll get you.

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Grocery divider etiquette


Are you constantly confused on who is responsible for putting a grocery divider down when in line at the check out stand? It’s a dilemma that I often find myself in as well. Stephen Pastis breaks is down.

I am constantly confused by the rules of etiquette for the little plastic dividers you use to separate your groceries from the other guy’s groceries on the conveyor belt at checkout.

I never know if it’s my responsibility to lay it down behind my own groceries, or if it’s my responsibility to lay it down behind the guy’s groceries ahead of me.

Sometimes I end up doing both, guarding the front and the rear. That makes me mad, because it means someone in line has shirked their responsibilities. It’s people like that who deserve to pay for my wandering Wonder Bread should it stray across our shared border.


But yesterday, I decided to do something new. Rather than set the divider down perpendicular to the conveyor belt, thereby neatly walling off my groceries from everybody else’s, I laid it down parallel to the belt, right down the middle of my own groceries.

An AT&T App Conspiracy…

Awhile ago, AT&T released an app for the iPhone called Mark the Spot, which allows users to send a message to AT&T pinpointing their location, the problem (dropped call, no data coverage, etc), along with various diagnostic information. I use it often.

One thing I’ve noticed lately though is that whenever I open the program to report a problem, my iPhone instantly finds a connection. Have you seen this strange phenomenon?

I think AT&T is toying with me.

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