šŸ‘‹šŸ»  Hello!

Thanks for visiting! You'll find a bunch of musings I've been writing around these parts since the early 2000's. Lately, I've been reviewing a lot of books. But I also write about code. But really, you're just here to see pictures of Benson.

Cycling trends

Hah! Andrew Martin jokes about todayā€™s ā€œsilly bikes.ā€

However, the latest trend is for the minimalist courier bike, which supplements the disadvantages of the road bike (no mudguards, bags, lights) with the bonus disadvantage of having only one brake and no gears at all. Itā€™s more difficult to ride one of these up a moderate incline than it is a mountain bike, yet thatā€™s the point: they show the rider is super-fit, which is why they particularly appeal to men worried about turning 30, who are not super-fit but want female passers-by to think they are.

I get the strangest email.

There is a group of people who have me mixed up for someone else and keep sending me email. Iā€™ve replied and emailed them on numerous occasions that I am the incorrect person, yet I still receive weird and even awkward emails.



Errā€¦ what? Hereā€™s another gem. Names blocked out.



Yikes! I feel bad for the poor little dude, whoever he is. That said: Reply to all -> ā€œHi, I think you have the wrong person.ā€

A few weeks later, another email.




The Communist Party



I love this Threadless shirt, called ā€œThe Communist Partyā€œ, created by Tom Burns. Though Iā€™m a sucker for puns. It reminds me of the Bad Religion song ā€œAtomic Gardenā€ which has the following verse:


And Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not Gorbachev

ā€™cause Iā€™d wiggle all night

Like jelly in a pot

At leats heā€™s got a garden with a fertile plot

And a party that will never stop


Sports protesting AZ immigration laws

Image via Getty Images

I love this!

ā€œI think itā€™s fantastic,ā€ Nash said after Tuesdayā€™s practice. ā€œI think the law is very misguided. I think itā€™s, unfortunately, to the detriment of our society and our civil liberties. I think itā€™s very important for us to stand up for things we believe in. As a team and as an organization, we have a lot of love and support for all of our fans. The league is very multicultural. We have players from all over the world, and our Latino community here is very strong and important to us.ā€

Iā€™d really love to see the San Francisco Giants wear their Los Gigantes jerseys whenever they play in Arizona.

gdgt live in Chicago


gdgt is visiting Chicago next week! Itā€™ll be my first visit to the Windy City, so Iā€™m pretty excited.

If youā€™re in the area, come check us out at Gallery 223 (223 West Huron) on May 12th at 7pm. Weā€™ll have a ton of cool gadgets on display, drinks, music, and even the potential to win some rad gear. More info is available here.

Treme on HBO

Treme is a new show on HBO created by David Simon (who also created The Wire). Itā€™s focused on life in New Orleans, three months after the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

Itā€™s definitely enjoyable, and in only three episodes, itā€™s become one of my favorite shows that Iā€™m currently watching.

What did Grandpa just say?!

ā€œDavid is a whoreā€¦ā€Ā 

Thatā€™s not something you expect to hear at a family party, let alone come out of your grandfatherā€™s mouth.Ā 

Iā€™m in Southern California for the weekend to celebrate my grandmotherā€™s 80th birthday with family and friends. Since Iā€™m traveling light and with my new toy, I decided to bring along my iPad.Ā 

After arriving and saying our hellos, I gave the iPad to my Grandpa, who was sitting at a table with a number of his friends. He briefly looked at it and passed it around. After getting it back, he opened up the Notes application and read something off the screen.Ā 

ā€œDavid is a whoreā€¦ā€


Everyone started laughing, and I did too. I knew my Grandpa was a funny person, but Iā€™d never heard him make a joke like that before. I was pretty confused and wondered if weā€™ve crossed some new line of humor with my family. He looked at me and said, ā€œNo, really. Thatā€™s what it says!ā€

He handed the iPad to me. And sure enough, I saw this on the screen:

It turns out that my sister had apparently used my iPad without my knowledge and decided to leave me a special message that I might find at a later time.Ā 

Well played, Sister. Well played. Ā