Eclipse tip: Observe animal behavior
The B-Dawg and his pillows
Benson really loves his pillows.
A suspicious fence
Our neighbor’s fence post looks rather suspicious…
“I wonder if we should give Benson a bath?”
The things you see walking kids to school…
The animals in this town are pretty wild.
Tapped out!
We had a bunch of kiddos over for a birthday party yesterday and Benson is just done.
Turkey Attack!
The turkeys in this town are relentless.
Yes. That is in fact a turkey on top of a car.
Benson really loves pillows
Benson is all of us
Pandemic problems.
Put a fork in him, he’s done!
Can you ear me now?
Benson’s ears are ridiculous.
If a Benson barks in the forest…
Read this in your best David Attenborough voice: “Here we see a rare sighting of a wild Benson in his natural habitat.”
Can we go outside yet?
“Observe animal behavior”
Taken about 15 minutes before totality. According to our notes, we should “observe animal behavior at this time.” 🤔
“Draw me like one of your French bulldogs.”
Our dog is so ridiculous. ❤️
Street wisdom
Rain, rain, go away
This dog loves being on vacation
Canine Camera Calibration System
I rented a Sony RX1R II. Obviously, I had to test it with my patented Canine Camera Calibration System. It seems to have passed.