Our neighbor’s fence post looks rather suspicious…
Book Review: A Life on Our Planet by David Attenborough
I love Sir David Attenborough and was excited to read this. It’s one part biography, another part dire warning letter to those of us who will be alive long after David Attenborough departs this world, and one part hope, talking about the things we are doing now and in the near future to (hopefully, maybe) avoid a climate disaster.
The first half of the book is definitely not a happy-feel-good story. He writes a letter to us and future generations, warning of the changes he has seen in his lifetime and the changes yet to happen due to climate change and our affect on the planet.
It’s not all doom and gloom, though. He gives an overview of some of the sustainable ideas and technologies that various individuals, companies and even some governments are working on and the massive benefits they have if they are scaled up. It gives some hope that we might (maybe, hopefully) can turn things around. But time is definitely running out.
And given how people have generally responded to wearing masks and social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic, we probably don’t have much hope.
Maybe I do have a fear of heights?
This picture instantly makes my palms sweat and my feet tingle.
Original author unknown
[via Weird Friends]
“This is my church…”
Overlooking the Owens River Gorge near Bishop, California
Finally have a chance to fully check out Ken Burns’ wonderful documentary, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.”
In the first episode, they document the discovery of Yosemite Valley and a quote by Lafayette Bunnell.
“None but those who have visited this most wonderful valley can even imagine the feelings with which I looked upon the scene that was there presented.
The grandeur of the scene was but softened by the haze that hung over the valley-light as gossamer-and by the clouds which partially dimmed the higher cliffs and mountains. This obscurity of vision but increased the awe with which I beheld it, and as I looked a peculiar exalted sensation seemed to fill my whole being, and I found my eyes in tears with emotion.
…for I have seen before me the power and glory of a Supreme being.”
It’s a great quote (and a great geology related quote at that) and reminds me of something a friend said to me on a backpacking trip in the Sierra Nevada a number of years ago.
While eating lunch on an outcrop overlooking a forested valley, he said, “I may not believe in much, but this right here, this is my church.”
Agreed, my friend. Agreed.
Marking my calendar
Outside of The Wire, Mad Men, and Lost, this is one of my favorite television events.
“Base jumping” into Dean’s Blue Hole
This a pretty video of someone imitating a base jump underwater at Dean’s Blue Hole. It’s a beautiful and very well put together video.
[Via Kottke]
Octopus steals video camera
Cal Academy’s sneaky octopus
The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article this morning on how carpenter ants have been borrowing out of their exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences.
One of the anecdotes they relate is the story of an octopus that snuck out of its enclosure at night and would snatch crabs from another tank. I’d actually heard this before, but didn’t realize it happened here!
About 10 years ago, Mr. Shepherd says, crabs kept mysteriously disappearing from a tank in the old academy. The culprit was a giant octopus two tanks over, which used its tentacles to sneak out at night and snatch crabs, he says. The octopus tank has since been wrapped in AstroTurf.
I’ve written about crazy octopi before.
Cats and Dogs (and Bears)
First up, we have a cat scaring off a bear. Granted, the bear still got the garbage bag, but this cat was ready to throw down and show who is boss.
Next, we have dogs. What happens when dogs meet polar bears? Apparently, love.
As much as I love dogs, I might have to reconsider what animal I want guarding my house!
This octopus is nuts
This octopus is using a coconut shell for shelter and carrying it around wherever it goes on the ocean floor! The more I read about octopi, the more fascinated I am with them.
Up close with a leopard seal
[Via Brian Lam]
Penguin Photographers
I’m like the MacGyver of horticulturalists…
Yes, that’s a chopstick and a twisty tie holding the plant up.
Southeast Farallon Island Pano
Taken with my iPhone 3GS and the Autostich application.
Posted via email from Dave Schumaker’s Posterous
Random iPhone flower shot
Encounters with nature: Backpacking in California’s Lost Coast
Photo by Meghan Pecaut
This past weekend, a group of friends and I ventured four hours north of San Francisco, to California’s beautiful and isolated Lost Coast for a weekend of backpacking.
We stayed in driftwood shanties that were located south of the abandoned Punta Gorda Lighthouse.
One of the most exciting events this weekend, was an encounter with a lone elephant seal on the beach. While casually walking down the beach on Saturday afternoon near the lighthouse, we noticed a lone seal following us. We stopped and watched it come closer and took photos as it approached our group. The seal was adorable, though we couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong with it. A lone seal approaching 6 adult humans didn’t seem like normal behavior. We indulged it for a little while, took some more photos, noted that it had an orange tag labeled 21940, and then we moved on (it still tried to follow us for a bit).
About 200 yards down the beach, we approached a pod of seals sun bathing. As we came closer, they became alert and scampered away from us and into the water. A striking difference from the previous seal encounter.
Curious about this whole situation, I did some research on seals and sea lions when we returned home. Courtesy of The Marine Mammal Center, I found out that animals with an orange tag had been rescued and rehabilitated at some point. I wrote them an email, detailing our encounter, sharing the photos, and was curious to find out more. They promptly wrote back!
Dear Dave,
Thank you for the information. The animal you saw with the tag was an elephant seal pup that we released at Chimney Rock in Point Reyes National Seashore on 5/13/09. This female weaned pup was sighted post release at Baker Beach in San Francisco on 5/17/09. We always appreciate post-release reports and pictures of our previous patients.
The behavior you experienced with this pup, commonly referred to as Buzz, is unfortunately not uncommon for recently release elephant seal pups. This pup spent nearly 2 months with us learning how to forage and compete for food; it was simply malnourished upon rescue. During rehabilitation it is difficult to avoid the patients associating people as a food source. Elephant seals in general are not fearful of people, but particularly pups that have been in rehabilitation are reported as approaching people in a curious manner.
The behavior of the group of seals sounds very typical of harbor seals, which are very skittish of people; so I suspect you were seeing entirely 2 separate species.
Thanks again for your reports and let me know if you have any further questions.
Fascinating! “Buzz” was observed here in San Francisco, at Baker Beach, just over a week ago. Since then, she’s managed to travel over 200 miles north. Buzz seems to be a pretty good name for her. Here’s to hoping she makes a full recovery and leads a productive life!
Thanks to Shelbi and The Marine Mammal Center for their prompt response to my curiosity.
Anyway, the trip was a blast, and it is one of my favorite hikes that I’ve ever done in California.