Tag: crazy

World’s oldest and stickiest lab study ready for drop of excitement

Via: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2013/apr/27/worlds-oldest-lab-study-excitement

"No one has actually seen a drop emerge, so it is getting quite nervy round here," said Mainstone. "The other eight drops happened while people had their backs turned. For the last drop, in 2000, we had a webcam trained on the experiment, but it broke down … in 1988, when the previous drop was about to emerge, I popped out for a coffee and missed it."

The $180,000 Del Popolo Pizza Food Truck

Via: http://www.7×7.com/tech-gadgets/180000-del-popolo-pizza-food-truck

There’s only one possible reaction upon first seeing Jon Darsky’s pizza truck: Whoa. Hitched to a mighty rig that weighs 14 tons, Del Popolo begins serving Neapolitan pies this spring from its 5,000-pound oven. This much muscle comes at a cost—over $180,000 in all. The good news: Del Popolo is inimitable. “You’d have to be a fool to try and copy it,” says Darsky. “This thing was f*cking expensive.” Here, a few of the highlights.