Tag: 2011pics

Birthday drinks at the Tonga Room


“Alcoholic Eruption” – January 5th, 2011

Kerry surprised me for my birthday and took me out to the Tonga Room for dinner and drinks. It was my first time there. It was a fun little place!

One of the drinks we ordered, pictured above, was called the Lava Bowl. It was dangerous.

Better luck next time

Better Luck Next Time

“Better Luck Next Time” – January 4th, 2011

It’s few and far between that I ever play this, but with $355 million up for grabs? Why not?

The results? Things went about as well as expected!

F Market to the Castro


“F this train! (Don’t worry, it’s all cool.)” – January 3rd, 2011

Even when I’m otherwise pissed off at SF Muni, the F line always pulls through. It’s one of my favorite ways to travel through the city — the historic cars, the old seats, and the awesome growl of the train as it travels down the tracks. It’s not the quickest, but it’s fun!