Monthly Archives: September 2008

Casualties of Giving Blood

Casualties of Giving Blood

I went to give blood today and apparently the attendant working with me was new. He ended up puncturing my vein on my right arm ("hematosis" they called it).

They asked if I wanted to wrap it up or try the other arm. For some weird reason, I told them to try the other arm. Fortunately, it worked this time.

And thanks to Twitter, I was able to live blog the entire thing. Wow.

Live Blogging a Blood Donation

An Email to Speaker Pelosi

I sent an email to Speaker Pelosi earlier today…

Dear Speaker Pelosi,

I am a registered Democrat and a resident living in San Francisco and reside in California’s 8th district. I am writing you today about my opposition to the bailout proposal that Congress is currently working on.

While I understand the dire conditions of the economy (and have witnessed the effects first hand – I was laid off from my job one month ago), I do not think it is fair for the tax payers and ordinary Americans to shoulder the burden of bad financial investments made on behalf of our banking and lending institutions.

I also understand that some sort of action is needed, but giving $700 billion dollars to Secretary Paulson carte blanche seems dangerous and irresponsible. Would it not be better to give the Treasury a smaller amount of money (such as $100 or $150 billion dollars) and ask them to come back and justify further requests for cash?

As a registered Democrat, it has been frustrating watching our legislative branch repeatedly cow towards pressure from the White House on funding for the Iraq war, FISA and offshore oil drilling. I urge you and your fellow members of Congress to not do the same with a significant amount of our tax payer dollars and the economy on the line.

Thank you for your time.


Dave Schumaker

Finally finished Einstein’s Biography

It’s an incredibly thick book that I’ve been reading for what seems like ever, but I’ve finally finished Walter Isaacson’s great biography on Albert Einstein.

The following is the review I posted at GoodReads, a nice social networking website related to books:

Einstein: His Life and Universe Einstein: His Life and Universe by Walter Isaacson

My review

My Rating: 5 of 5 stars
A fascinating look into Einstein’s life. Definitely more aloof than I would have suspected, but seemed like such a genuine and friendly character.

It was also interesting to see how he was always “raging against the machine” as a young student (which helped him to expand on his theories of relativity) and then become more conservative in his thinking as he was older (as evidenced by his frustrating and unsuccessful search for a unified theory).

View all my reviews.

An Evening Along the San Francisco Waterfront

I shot a bunch of photos this evening along the Embarcadero and San Francisco’s waterfront districts. It was a beautiful night and I haven’t had a chance to use my wide angle lens in San Francisco much.

Crabs at Fisherman's Wharf

Golden Gate Bridge Sunset

San Francisco Waterfront at Night

San Francisco Waterfront at Night

San Francisco Waterfront at Night

San Francisco Waterfront at Night