Monthly Archives: January 2009

According to this, I’m a robot.

According to this, I am a robot.

Seriously, is that NOT the word that I typed?!

These CAPTCHA systems are supposed to prevent automated scripts and robots from registering accounts on websites. If I fail it, does this mean I am a robot?

Two Interesting Articles

Our only home. Image by Aaron Escobar.

If you have time, you should read two interesting articles I’ve written over at the Geology News blog, that have been getting quite a bit of traffic and interest.

The article on Yellowstone examines the recent earthquake swarms and discusses the risk of an eruption. The second article on climate change offers a concise history of how we know it’s happening and the causes behind it.

Check them out!

Five Years in San Francisco

San Francisco - Dusk HDR

Happy Anniversary!

Exactly 5 years ago this weekend, I moved to San Francisco. It’s crazy how fast time has flown by. What an awesome experience it’s been so far!

Bicycle Rodeo!

MAKE Magazine is now on YouTube! Awesome! Check out this episode of MAKE TV about Cyclecide – a San Francisco art collective.