Monthly Archives: May 2005

Finals Week

This month has been horribly busy with all sorts of school work.

Last weekend, our volcanology class took a field trip to Northern California. Pictures are here. I also filmed a video of some of our antics in the snow. It’s a 5mb download.

The trip ended up being one of the best geology field trips I’ve ever had in a class. Got to explore a bunch of lava tubes and was just an all around great trip, with a great group of people. Of course there was the near death experience of a bullet going off in our camp fire one night (evidentially there was a bullet that was buried in a pile of pine needles that I threw on the fire).

Despite all of us standing around the campfire, the only casualty was a wine bottle sitting on a small table that had an entrance and exit hole (where no one happened to be standing)! Thank goodness.

I have a HUGE lecture final in Petrology tomorrow that I don’t feel too prepared for. Just anxious to get it over with. The petrology lab examination is on Thursday and Volcanology final on Wednesday night.

Almost finished with my last two papers as well.

Next week I am going to Utah and Arizona with a professor and a few fellow students for a research trip. Hopefully that will give me some ideas to work on for my senior thesis.

And when I return from the trip, I will be able to move into a new room! Oh yes!

Stressed Out of My Mind

I usually handle stress quite well. I’ve always been quite a laid back individual and things don’t usually get to me. Lately though, I think stress is beating the crap out of me. My stomach has hurt this whole week (I initially thought I was getting sick) and I’ve had some fairly horrid headaches.

I think it’s a combination of things that are just hitting me at the same exact time: the amount of school work the next 3 weeks, shitty financial situation (and school DEFINITELY isn’t conducive to making it better at the moment) and various people. I’ve had A LOT on my mind lately and really no way to let it out or vent. Not sure why I keep all this bottled up inside me. It’s definitely not healthy.

Anyway, I leave for a field trip to Mendicino tomorrow night to look at soils (oh yay).

Tomorrow afternoon is the College of Science and Engineering Student Research Showcase. Something like 150 students from the college will be showing off posters of their work. I’ve spent to past 3 days designing mine and printed it out today. It’s 3 feet by 4 feet! But it is an AWESOME thing to behold. The first real poster that I’ve made for one of these events (these poster presentations are a big thing in science for some reason).

Next week is a massive field trip. 4 days up to the Lassen Volcanic National Park. I’m definitely looking forward to that. I fell like it’s the culmination of this whole year. Definitely a fun group of people too.

Here are some random (but VIVID) dreams I’ve had the past few nights:

*Tuesday Night – Family was on a vacation to Mexico City for some reason. We were staying in some swanky resort in the (tropical?) mountains around the city and looking down into the heavy smog (evidentially, it has atrocious air). Anyway, Michelle wanted to go shopping in town, so I offered to go with her. So we drove… A SHOPPING CART. Yes, we drove a shopping cart into town.

Where we passed a large commune of gay and lesbian punk rockers who left America to escape persecution. Bizarre, I know. But it gets better! We decide to visit the commune and see they are trying to live in a very environmentally friendly way. They have large compost piles. I walk up to see how their compost is doing (err… no clue why, perhaps its related to geology somehow?) and find that they are decomposing material by covering it with BATTERY ACID. Weird.

Anyway, I don’t remember the rest of it.

*Wednesday Night –
Dream 1: I was looking for a new apartment or place to live. For some reason, I decided to live in Beverly Hills (yet still go to school at SFSU?) on this small street with a bunch of movie stars. I found an awesome little mansion and called my parents to have them buy it for me. When they told me no, I threatened to never talk to them again! Weird!

Dream 2: Someone discovered this weird creature called a “mind worm” (I think I’ve played too much Alpha Centauri in my life…) that crawls inside your head if you have a tumor and EATS AWAY your brain tumors. Apparently it’s perfectly safe. Of course, the only way to know if you have a brain tumor is if these mind worms crawl after you. They smell them or something. But they crawl after you and enter through your nose!

So in my dream, apparently EVERYONE had brain tumors, because everyone I know was telling me about their mind worms and how I should “get some.” Then I remember running down the street with this “herd” of worms squirming after me… wanting to eat my brain basically. WEIRD.

I honestly think there is something in the water I drink. Or maybe it’s the stress? I also have a hunch that a lack of sleep (I’ve been sleeping 5-6 hours a night lately! Ack) contributes to these crazy dreams.

Can’t wait to go to sleep tonight!

Anyway, until next time.

Denied Victory – A Treatise on Why Corporate Sponsored Educational Events Suck

I was up in Sacramento this past weekend for the California State University’s Student Research Competition as a finalist in the Physical and Mathematical Sciences category. 190 students representing 23 different schools were participating! Pretty awesome event overall.

Anyway, we each had 10 minutes to present a Powerpoint Presentation and talk about our research topics. My presentation, entitled “Mapping the existence and extent of mid-crustal reflectors in the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California” (It’s an unwritten rule in science to have the longest possible title in the world. Longer titles evidentially means you are cooler), was completely rock solid.

It was very well put together, designed great and flowed well too. I even had humor interjected in parts and the judges on my panel were laughing! Plus, it was actually fairly interesting (it has to do with earthquakes). I completed the presentation in EXACTLY 10 minutes, right as the moderator held up the sign for me to stop speaking. The judges then proceeded to ask me some questions and I had no problems answering them. In short, I knew my stuff!

After checking out the competition in my category (2 physics majors and 3 mathematicians, plus myself… a dirty geologist), I figured I had the competition in the bag. People were also telling me afterwards how much they liked my presentation too.

Anyway, Lockheed Martin sponsored a few of the science and engineering categories (and put up prize money for the winners), including mine. Both judges on my panel were theoretical physicists, one of whom works for Lockheed Martin.

So fast forward to the awards ceremony the next day. Second place went to one of the physics students, whose research delt with modeling various lasers. Awesome I thought. I knew for a fact that I did way better than he did! Then they call the name for first place. “Funny,” I thought to myself, “that name they just called didn’t sound like ‘Dave.'”

Nope, it was the other physics major! Gah! I guess that’s what I get for being so cocky, but in all honesty I don’t understand what went wrong, or what their selection criteria was. I was quite surprised, as were a number of other people. It was absolutely ridiculous.

Then again, I guess it would make sense that Lockheed Martin, the biggest military weapons manufacturer in the world (and as a result, the biggest exporter of death and destruction), is going to like someone’s research that could potentially have military applications (lasers!) over my research that has practical applications in using earthquakes to map/locate FUTURE earthquake hazards.

So yeah, I’m somewhat sour. Then again though, I did make it all the way to the finals and got to represent my school in my category. So at the very least, that is still quite an accomplishment.

This just means I should start new research this summer, and be ready to take the competition next year.