Wow. It’s hard to believe that it’s been nearly a year since I last posted! Thanks to graduating from college, getting a real job and figuring out how life works in the real world, I’ve sort of neglected my poor webpage. Perhaps 2008 will be a time to change that.

2007 was an absolutely amazing year though. How do I even begin to catch people up on what has gone on? Perhaps the best way at the moment is through Flickr.

Cathedral Hill HDR - Looking North

Click on through, as I take you on a photographic journey of the last 12 months…

January 2007
Moved into a new apartment the previous month and still figuring out the new neighborhood. Of course, the view from our living room is absolutely amazing. This is an HDR photo that I took one evening.

Cathedral Hill HDR - Looking West

Of course on January 9th, I was mugged and fought the attacker off with my tripod.

My Hero.

On Super Bowl Sunday, the Queen Mary 2 came to San Francisco for the first time to pay a visit. Went down to the Bay to watch it come in. What a huge boat.


There was a Valentine’s Day pillow fight.
Broken Pillow

35 minutes...

Later in the month, my roommates and newfound friends rented a cabin in Lake Tahoe for a weekend of snowboarding and skiing. It was a blast. Fortunately, this wasn’t our cabin.

Also Buried

It was also the first time I’ve ever put snow chains on a vehicle. It’s a huge pain when it’s windy, cold and snowing.

Putting chains on

March was a month punctuated by BBQ’s and anti-war protests. I love San Francisco.


More Peace

In April, two of our friends left for a two-year around-the-world trip. To celebrate, we ventured out to the East Bay to connect with the flora and fauna.

Just a cow



This month featured a trip to the island of Kauai, as well as San Francisco’s annual (and crazy) Bay to Breakers event.

Kalalau Lookout Panorama

Mid Air

Bay to Breakers 2007
He's sort of like a gay Robin Hood...

Wheel Chair Race...

I was also the official photographer for a website launch party (
BarBook Launch Party

And I was also punched in the face at a bar. That was fun.
Bar Fights are Fun...

Camping trips with friends!

Meghan and Dave

Group eating lunch

And of course, jumping into icy mountain streams…
Wow... that is COLD.

Wow. July has few pictures. I did buy an iPhone and took a picture with that…

Penguin at work

A pretty low key month as well. Traveled to Southern California for a bit thanks to work. Also took photos of various bands.

This is a friend of a friend’s band called Smith Point

Smith Point - 19

This is Little Yellow Perfect
Little Yellow Perfect - 09

This is Squaretape
Squaretape  - 45

September was the 40th anniversary of the Summer of Love. So we celebrated in true San Francisco fashion.

SF Summer of Love - 40th Anniversary - 1

Zombies attacked San Francisco! Luckily, I was there to document the event. And my photos were posted on a variety of websites.

Zombie Flashmob - 10

Chicken John! (This dude was running for Mayor of San Francisco)
Zombie Flashmob - 12 - Chicken John!

Zombie Flashmob - 19

Fleet Week also happened this month and featured the Blue Angels paying a visit to San Francisco. Nothing short of awesome.
Fleet Week - Blue Angels - 09

Fleet Week - Blue Angels - 19

Visited my sister in New York City. That was my first time there. Awesome!



Angie Mattson came to town!

Angie Mattson

Angie Mattson

And we went snowboarding in Tahoe at the end of the month.
Arash, Dave and Sasank

Snowboarding Ninja

And no trip (or year for that matter) is complete without a stop at your local In N’ Out burger.
Dave and In N' Out

So there you have it. My life in 2007, in photos. What a great year! Here’s to hoping that 2008 is even more amazing.