Vacations and Dentists

Courtesy of my room mates, I went to Lake Tahoe last weekend. Despite it being relatively close to San Francisco (roughly 3 hours with no traffic), I hadn’t had the chance to go there. The clear blue water and overwhelming size of the lake were amazing things to behold. The water temperature was almost perfect as well! All five of us in the house ended up going. It was basically the first “field trip” that we’ve all done since we have lived together. It was an absolute blast.

After returning Sunday night, I left on Monday and flew back to So Cal for a few days to visit my parents. My sister was also down here, so it was the first time we’ve all been together as a family since last Christmas. Michelle flew back to the Bay Area last night and I’m leaving early tomorrow morning.

Among the things I accomplished on this trip: A surprise visit to the dentist that my Mom had quickly scheduled. Wonderful! Luckily, it was a good report for my teeth. Usually I don’t like going because I feel berated for the fact that I don’t floss as often as the dentist wants me too. I’ve been doing better though and she said there is a definite improvement! Yes!

School starts again next week. This should be my last serious semester of school. If everything works out, I am set to graduate in May! It’s about time. 6 years to complete my undergraduate work is embarrasing. Of course once that is done, I’m going straight into grad school, so no big deal ultimately.

Lastly, in the last week, I’ve added 2 new In N’ Out locations to my list (which hasn’t yet been updated). That includes the In N’ Out near Studio City that Tracy reminded me of in a previous post. That brings the total to 24!
