The Gallery has returned!
Alright, looks like everything is back in working order. The photo gallery has finally been restored, using the latest version available. Let’s see how long it lasts this time.
The past two days have been absolutely gorgeous up here. Not a single cloud in the sky, and not too hot either. I took a few pictures today from the small park across the street from my house. I ended up stitching together this (beware 1.4mb!) picture of San Francisco to create a neat little panorama view. Quite awesome I think!
Also, I applied the same method to take a picture of my room now that I’m finally moved back in. This didn’t come out as well as the San Francisco panorama though. All I really need to do in my room is hang some posters up on the wall and everything will be set! If one of the roommates upstairs moves out, then I’ll probably end up taking the room and I can finally get rid of that blasted loft bed. Anyway, pic of the room.
I also discovered an interesting thing while browsing through some random recording archives on my computer. This is an interesting (albeit simple) little chord progression, but I love the way it sounds. I might have to play with that a little more. Anyway, this mp3 is about 500kb. Check it out!
Going over to Berkeley tonight to hang out with my sister and David for a bit. I’ll have to write more about school later (as well as how I made a great fool of myself tumbling down the stairs).
Stay tuned! 🙂