Some of the prettiest areas I have ever seen in my life are along California’s central coast. There are just so many pristine areas, as well as scenic views. I love driving up the 1/101 freeways on the way up north.

I got to do part of that drive again this week as SCEC hosted a field trip for all of the interns. It was a fun group of people to spend the week with. We started out on Tuesday by doing presentations of our summer research projects. The highlight on Wednesday was a trip to the Hearst Castle (which is just absurd on so many levels!). On Thursday, we visited Parkfield and a new project that is under construction, named the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth. Friday involved a trip to Wallace Creek on the Carrizo Plains and then back home to Southern California.

Also met a lot of interesting people on this trip. Though as luck would have it, we didn’t have a chance to exchange contact info. There are quite a few that I would love to keep in contact with. All of the interns will be getting together at the end of September in Palm Springs, for the annual SCEC meeting though, so that will be a fun chance to see everyone again.

Finally getting a chance to go hiking tomorrow with a few friends. Nothing too rigorous. It will be nice to finally get a chance to do that this summer! Only 2 more weeks of this internship left, and 3 more weeks until I head back up to San Francisco. I am quite excited.

Last interesting bit of info: I was doing a search on google for “Rockbandit” and came across something interesting. I wrote a quick little review after seeing Angie Mattson back in June. Evidentially, my comments are now a testimonial on her reviews page. That is quite flattering. Thanks Angie. 🙂

Alright, gotta get ready for a barbeque tonight with the gang.