More climbing!
Before I begin, I checked out this webpage using Safari (Apple program) and it basically looked like poo. Trying to code for all sorts of different browsers that don’t support standards gets quite frustrating. Of course my webpage doesn’t even pass a basic HTML validator test by I’ll have to get this in order soon.
Anyway, onto more interesting things!
On Friday night, Meghan took Michelle, David and I rock climbing. That was a blast as always. Michelle and David had a lot of fun and want to go back sometime. Michelle and David did better than I did the last time I went out. Definitely impressive! It made me pretty happy to see them do so well and like it a lot too. Watching Meghan was just awesome too. She knows how to tear up those walls. She’s a regular spider, or maybe a mountain goat? Maybe something more flattering, such as a… cliff-hopping penguin? Right…. Anyway, we brought the digital camera along also and documented the event. Check out the pics!
I helped David conduct a number of surveys for his senior thesis on Friday and Saturday. This involved sitting outside of a grocery store and asking people if they’d like to take a survey on recycling. A lot of interesting people and we seemed to average about 1 survey every 5 minutes or so, which isn’t bad at all.
Of course there were a few naturally angry people who automatically thought we were soliciting donations for money. One guy stormed off saying “Recycling? Bah! One day it’s save the trees, another it’s for the whales. Now it’s about recycling!” I noticed he was wearing a San Francisco Giants hat and briefly thought of telling him how much his baseball team sucks.
Other news:
- Student Research Competition in Sacramento on Friday – I think I have my presentation completely done. However it’s about 20 slides that have to be explained in 10 minutes. I might have to cut some things out, but I’m not sure what just yet. However, I feel very confident about what I have to say and think I can win my section.
- Paper due in Quaternary Geology on Wednesday. This paper was based on a weekend field trip we did at the beginning of April. As luck would have it, I’ve misplaced my field notebook that contains all the information I wrote down while we were on the trip. Gah!
- The College of Science and Engineering at SFSU is having a Student Research Showcase on Friday, May 6. I’m entering my project I did for the Southern California Earthquake Center into it (which is the same project I’m presenting in Sacramento). $500 for first place! We’ll see if I can pull that off. That’d be some excellent funds for New Zealand.
Anyway, the time is nigh to go to bed. Until next time!