Done with Classes – New Adventures
Alright! As of last week, I am finished with all my undergraduate course work! The only thing remaining is to spend this summer finishing up my senior thesis and then I am done! So close to being officially done with school. It feels amazing and scary all at once. The next immediate goal is to study for the GREs, do well enough on them and then apply to some awesome grad schools in the fall! In the meantime, I need to see if I can find a cool job that will pay the bills too.
I’m leaving tomorrow to head up to the Sierras with Dan. On Thursday and Friday, we’re going to attempt to climb Mount Whitney. There still seems to be a lot of snow up there, but we’ll see how it goes. We both have all the gear we’ll need though, so that’s good. Here’s to hoping it’s a successful trip!
Here is a picture I snapped of Whitney a year and a half ago on a geology trip:
Next week I’ll have a picture looking down. 😉