It’s nearly 2AM and I have a paper due in Structural Geology in roughly 10 hours. Of course I’ve had about 3 weeks to do it, but in true college student fashion, I wait until the night/morning before! I should really do something about my procrastination problems, but I figure I’d just put it off.

Anyway, my insane schedule for the next few days:

11/17. . .Wednesday. . . . . . Paper due in Structural Geology
11/18. . .Thursday. . . . . . .Mineralogy Identification Exam
11/20. . .Saturday. . . . . . .Mineralogy Field Trip
11/22. . .Monday. . . . . . . .Exams in both Structural Geology and Stratigraphy
11/23. . .Tuesday. . . . . . . Another exam in Mineralogy

Yes! Despite overwhelming odds, I will try to keep a positive attitude about this. I welcome these exams with open arms! Bring it on!

Also, an awesome link recommended to me by my friend Peter:
TerraGalleria – Lots of high quality photos of almost every national park in the United States. Awesome!

A site I stumbled across earlier today showed some amazing pictures of the Auroras/Northern Lights that are currently going on. These pics were taken just a few days ago: