Burn Out.
I’d like to take a quick moment by announcing the following:
These last few days, I’ve been watching some of the greatest baseball that I’ve ever seen. It was with great pleasure that I was able to watch the New York Yankees engineer one of the greatest chokes in all of sports history, blowing a 3 games to 0 lead.
I’m quite happy for the BoSox, and they definitely earned it!

Alright, in other news, my ankle is well on the way to recovery thankfully. I went to the emergency room on Friday night and got it x-rayed and they confirmed nothing was broken, then recommeded that I stay off it for the next few days. I can walk around almost perfectly fine now, but I still feel quite a bit of pain and there remains a rather large bruise on the bottom side of my ankle.
Despite the doctors orders, I “snuck” out of the house and saw Hot Water Music play on Sunday night with David and Michelle (MP3’s available on their site). That was the first time I’ve been able to see them. They put on an energetic show. I was surprised at how few people there were there. These guys are an extraordinarily talented band and it’s a shame they don’t get more respect. Next time they come around, I will definitely check them out again. I imagine the show would be quite a bit more fun without having a gimp leg. 🙂
This last week at school has been absolutely killer. Between work, writing papers, studying for insane mineralogy examinations and an endless attack of geology field trips, I have no free time! I’ve been getting 4 – 6 hours of sleep the past few nights and it is really taking a toll on me. Things should settle down momentarily after this weekend though, so I can catch up on some well needed rest, especially with the coming flu season.
For those who want some excellent reading material to put you to sleep at night, my report from the internship this summer can be found here.
Lastly, mark your calendars! Looks like I’ll be back down in California from Nov 5. to Nov 9, when I will be taking my car back up here with me! That will be awesome to finally have that up here.
Alright, 11:55pm, class in a mere 8 hours. Time to write more papers! I wonder what it’d be like to pull an all nighter and just go straight to school…