Ecstasy in the Park

Is it that time of the year already? 2010 has absolutely flown by! One of my favorite ways to reflect on the past year is to look back on it through the photos I’ve taken.

See previously, my photographic year in reviews for 2009, 2008, and 2007.

One thing I find particularly striking is that I’ve used my iPhone and Canon S90 more and more, and my DSLR significantly less. It kind of bums me out. Something I’d like to refocus on in 2011 is getting back into using my DSLR!

Anyway, let the review begin!

January 2010

We started the year off by seeing a friend’s brother make a guest appearance during a Beats Antique show at the Independent in San Francisco. (If you haven’t heard them, do check it out. Some great tunes and a good show featuring some interesting interpretive dance!)

Beats Antique at The Independent

Beats Antique at The Independent

We also got to dog-sit for our friends Scott and Marcie. Can you say cutest dog ever?

Dog-sitting for the weekend!

Of course, our cats would have something to say about that. Jealous, much?

Seriously, I love dogs.

More music, please! State Radio (one of my favorites) at the Fillmore.

State Radio at the Fillmore

Also, San Francisco can have some seriously great weather, even in January! Hello, colors!

Painted ladies have nothing on these.

The cats were always demanding attention. This was fun to wake up to.

Cats rearranging furniture

February 2010

Overall, a pretty mellow month! I did finally get a chance to go out and use my DSLR. A new sculpture was put up at Patricia’s Green in Hayes Valley.

Ecstasy in the Park

It’s only February, and I already feel live I’ve been taking an overwhelming amount of cat photos.


Shot some things for my friends hosting BarBot 2010. (You can also see a video I shot of this thing in action.)

BarBot 2010

March 2010

I got a new bike! Hello, beautiful!

My new bike!

Traveled to Austin for SXSW and gdgt live in Austin. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to take many pictures. But I did snap a photo of this bacon bloody mary. Umm, yes!

Bacon Bloody Mary

Returned to the Left Coast to spot this crazy art car in the neighborhood.

Crazy car on Page / Masonic

Doggie Diner Heads at the Laughing Squid going away party.

Doggie Diner Heads

Bonfires on Ocean Beach!

Bonfire at Ocean Beach

April 2010

Waited in line early in the morning for the iPad launch. An AP photographer snapped this photo as I picked up an iPad for the first time ever.

Might as well put the iPad to use — banana bread baking!

Baking Banana Bread

Baking Banana Bread

Explored the SF Underground Farmers’ Market. Pretty damn crazy!

SF Underground Farmers Market

Random trip to Southern California, where I stopped by Galco’s Soda Pop Shop. Crazy amounts of soda! Check out my post on Laughing Squid.

Galco's Soda Pop Shop

Stopped by my parents’ place and got to see Axl. It would be the last time I’d ever see him.



May 2010

My old-roommate Julie celebrated her engagement with her new fiance, Ryan. A mighty fine looking couple!

Julie and Ryan's Engagement Party

And because of this, Kerry and I got to play dress up!

Julie and Ryan's Engagement Party

Also, Bacon Camp! Went to support my friends on the Starvin Marvins BBQ team!

BaconCamp SF 2010

And here are the tasty, tasty MOINK balls they made.

BaconCamp SF 2010

Another gdgt event! This time, we visited Chicago — where I decided to use my phone to take crappy pictures with crappy toy camera apps.


gdgt live in Chicago was fun though!

gdgt live in Chicago

gdgt live in Chicago

June 2010

June rolls around — it’s WWDC time in San Francisco, and that means a new iPhone is coming out!

gdgt live at WWDC 2010

So, of course I was there for the Stevenote on behalf of gdgt. Hey, Steve!



Later that month, I hung out with the Starvin Marvins team again as they went to a BBQ competition.



Huh, it seems like I haven’t taken cat photos in awhile. Time to fix that.

Cats yawning

Cats yawning

New iPhone 4 finally arrived. I hear it has a pretty good camera. Time to test it out.

Cupid's Arrow

Also, the World Cup was going on! So, obviously we had friends over and it was time to cheer on the Red, White, and Blue. (Of course, Sanjin shows up in a Croatia jersey, but I guess it’s the thought that counts.)

Watching the World Cup

Speaking of Sanjin, he got married!


July 2010

Needed to get away from the oppressive fog in the city, so we ventured up to Point Reyes, for a day of oyster shucking.

Tomales Bay Oyster Company

We also got ourselves a new office! No more working out of our apartments. Pretty nice. A photo from the early days.

gdgt HQ

A long hallway...

August 2010

Camping trip season! I discovered a creepily familiar Paul Bunyan.

Paul Bunyan Statue

Sitting around a campfire…



Canoeing on the Russian River

More canoeing!

Canoeing on the Russian River

And back to the city and dealing with our transit system.

Waiting for a train

I love the F line.

Taking a streetcar to work.

And another Apple event soon approaches…

Like clockwork

September 2010

Another Apple keynote. iPods, Apple TV’s, oh my!


We went out to Sacramento to surprise and cheer on our friends in Starvin Marvins at another BBQ competition.

Mike and Rachel

Team Starvin Marvins BBQ

They won second place for their chicken!

2nd place in Chicken!

gdgt live in Boston! This time, I’m flying out early, so I can check some things out.

Next stop, Boston! #gdgtboston



Near MIT – Kendell Square

Near Kendell Square

Who met the Tron Guy? This guy!

Tron Guy and I

October 2010

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival arrives in town. I can’t think of a better way to spend a foggy day in the park.

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival

It’s October. Do you know what that means? Hear that sound? “It’s the sound of freedom.” This time, I rented a gigantic, 400mm lens for the Blue Angels’ show.

Fleet Week 2010 - Blue Angels in San Francisco

Fleet Week 2010 - Blue Angels in San Francisco

Fleet Week 2010 - Blue Angels

There were also some pretty crazy clouds in San Francisco.

Altocumulus clouds in San Francisco

Also, a street food bonanza was happening at Off the Grid.

Off the Grid

Working across the street from Blue Bottle Coffee was proving to be dangerous.

Blue Bottle - No effects needed.

Kerry took me on a surprise visit to the Napa Valley Wine Train.

View from the tasting room

Not too shabby!



This thing called a World Series happened in San Francisco. Since I’m a Dodgers’ fan, I have no idea what that is.

There's a World Series inside!!

San Francisco Giants vs. Texas Rangers - Game 1

San Francisco kept looking mighty fine, as always.

The sky in San Francisco was particularly beautiful this morning.

November 2010

Party in the streets, as the Giants would go on to win the World Series.

Celebrating the San Francisco Giants' World Series win

An election happened…

The question is, why not?

City Hall was bathed in orange for the Giants win.

San Francisco Giants World Series Celebrations

A World Series parade…

San Francisco Giants World Series Celebrations

Aubrey Huff wears his “rally thong.”

San Francisco Giants World Series Celebrations

It was homecoming (for gdgt). gdgt live in San Francisco preparation resulted in tons of boxes in our office.

gdgt live in SF prep

I don’t care what people think, I still love dogs.

Cute monsters

Quick stop in Southern California for a wedding in Laguna Beach.


Returned to San Francisco to find this nearby. Someone had a rough night.

I'm not sure what to make of this! Bad break up?

I also began my transition from a hipster into a yuppy.

Modern day newspaper.

December 2010

What can we say about December? It’s rained a lot.

Welcome to San Francisco!

My dentist apparently has a crush on me.

Good grief. Another card from my dentist. Should I be concerned?!?

Prepping for some awesome things in the 2011. It results in late nights at the office.

Last one in the office...

(And the month isn’t even over, yet!)