While listening to bluegrass music.
Somehow, the hula girl on the dashboard is fitting.Snake River Gorge panorama shot with my iPhone 3GS
Idaho palm trees
Seeing people ride w/ no helmets always surprises me
I’m always shocked when I go to other states and see people riding without helmets.
We’re now in Idaho. Which looks the same as northern Nevada.
Northern Nevada – Highway 93
Rolling through Northern Nevada on the way to Idaho.
There’s something so perfect about listening to NPR’s “Praire Home Companion” while driving through this type of country.Stopping for the night in Wells, NV
Apparently, “Wells” is another way to say, “there’s absolutely nothing here.”
Just passed through Winnemucca, Nevada. Famous for absolutely nothing.
Rolling across central Nevada.
I’m like the MacGyver of horticulturalists…
Yes, that’s a chopstick and a twisty tie holding the plant up.
The ubiquity of Starbucks is incredible.
2 on the same block no less! I verified this myself and went to both to check.
One year walking through China.
This is a fantastic video.
Oh no! Now everyone knows that I was born in Kenya too!
Just like our President! 😉
Purse with LCD display
Found on Haight Street
Southeast Farallon Island Pano
Taken with my iPhone 3GS and the Autostich application.
Posted via email from Dave Schumaker’s Posterous
Obama – Found on Haight Street
Golden Gate from the Pacific Side
The intrepid whale watchers before we depart!
Getting ready to leave for our whale watching trip
Chuck Norris has nothing on the Most Interesting Man in the World
Hah, I *really* enjoy these Dos Equis commercials. I think it's a pretty hilarious ad campaign.