Monthly Archives: October 2008

My Sister and I

Ridiculously old school picture of my sister and I at our Grandparent’s house.

Old School - Siblings

Photos of Axl Dog

I was browsing through my iPhoto library and found these ridiculously cute and old photos of our dog Axl back in 2001. He was still a tiny little puppy! Apparently, he was a runty little newfoundland that grew up into our monster of a dog (though still small compared to normal “newfie” standards).

Axl as a Puppy

Axl as a Puppy

And today –

Axl sleeping

Axl and Ariel

Fantastic Photos of the Sun

This has been making the rounds on a few websites, but has a bunch of fantastic and amazing photos of the Sun. Check it out!

An animation of the sun, seen by NASA’s Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) over the course of 6 days, starting June 27, 2005. (Courtesy of SOHO/EIT consortium)

How big is it?

Just how big is the lens I rented today?

What a Big Lens You Have!

♫ "I can see for miles and miles..." ♫

♫ “I can see for miles and miles…” ♫

Now I can finally do that paparazzi gig that Wired magazine was talking about

Fleet Week and the Blue Angels in San Francisco

It’s the beginning of the annual Fleet Week festivities here in San Francisco. That means all sorts of noise as aircraft of all types scream through our fair city over the next few days. Among the things I’m most excited for is the Blue Angels. They did a practice show today (and yesterday) and I went down to the bay to take photos.

To facilitate some good photographic opportunities, I rented a Nikon 80-200mm f2.8 lens and a 2X tele-converter.

To see all the photos I’ve taken for the 2008 Fleet Week, check out this link.

San Francisco Fleet Week

San Francisco Fleet Week - Fat Albert C-130

San Francisco Fleet Week - Fat Albert C-130

San Francisco Fleet Week - Fat Albert C-130

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice - Sneak Pass

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice - Sneak Pass

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice - Sneak Pass

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

San Francisco Fleet Week - Blue Angels Friday Practice

Papalote – Great Burrito or Greatest Ever?

One of my favorite Mexican places in San Francisco is Papalote. I absolutely love their burritos and their salsa is just killer. That leads me to ask: Papalote – Great burritos or greatest burritos ever?

Interestingly enough, I know I rag on SF Mexican food a lot and say it doesn’t compare to So Cal, but really who am I kidding? The only things better in So Cal are the baseball teams and beaches! 😉