Monthly Archives: August 2003

Everything about nothing!

I guess I lead a dull life compared to a lot of people who write these things. Many people I know update their blogs almost every day! I guess I could do that too, but at the same time, I don’t know how many would be interested in reading mundane details about my life: “I woke up today and then turned on the computer! No, no breakfast, just straight for the computer!” But then again, here I am reading everyone’s blogs daily, digesting the mundane details of their lives. DOH! Ah well, part of the interesting aspect is that they are written by friend’s I don’t get to see or talk to very often: Meg, Christina, Tracy and then there’s the random ones like Noodles’ (of Offspring fame) Road Journal and of course, we can’t forget the always sarcastic but always funny: Best Page in The Universe.

Onto bigger and better things! For those of you who have had braces already, it seems like there is a secret that I’m not aware of. My orthodontist told me it would take one year. How long did it actually take and DID they initially tell you it would only take one year? I’ve talked to multiple people (many who don’t know each other) and so far, ALL of them have said, “Yeah, they told me one year, but it is actually three years.” Ack! I got these things on last October, if I have to deal with another two years. . . (At least I’ll have a rocking smile though!). The reason I bring this up though is mainly because I got them tightened again recently and they put another “chain” across the front of my teeth, which pulls the teeth together. It makes it extraordinarily difficult to bite into things. When I go to places like In N’ Out, I have to request a fork and knife with my hamburger, and the people give me funny looks.

Lastly, us California folk know the joy of In N’ Out. It is definitely a religion out here and people from other states just don’t understand it frankly. Seriously, people from other places hear us talk about In N’ Out and blush, not knowing what we mean. Yeah, it’s just us Californians being unmodest. But while on my way to Las Vegas a few weeks ago with some friends, I contemplated ordering a “4×4”. I have no trouble conquering 3×3’s and have eaten quite a few of them, much to my poor heart’s discontent. So after (mistakenly) thinking aloud about it, my friends badgered me into it. I ordered it and polished it off within 10 minutes. Insane, disgusting, awesome. One full pound of meat mind you! For those that don’t know me, I’m a rather lanky 165 pound guy and that one hamburger contained about a half percent of my body weight. Disgusting!

Confused on this “3×3” and “4×4” talk? Well if you check out In N’ Out’s webpage, you’ll notice that burger on the very first page with two patties, commonly called a double-double (and technically a 2×2). That is the largest thing they have on their menu… *but* for us who are in the know, In N’ Out has a secret menu! One of the things you can do is custom order a hamburger, you basically tell them the dimensions and they make it. So 3×3 has 3 beef patties and 3 slices of cheese, 4×4 has… you get the picture. My friend’s grandpa has apparently eaten a 6×6, though I don’t think I plan to challenge him. It is rumored someone ordered a 20×20 (for a frat party or something though) and In N’ Out had no complaints making it. Nice! All this talk is getting me hungry.

Should I join the Masses of Bloggers?

I’m not sure how frequent this little weblog will be. I know quite a few people who want me to get some sort of weblog, whether it is at LiveJournal,Blogspot or one of the other websites. I’m not too keen on the idea though, not sure how much I’d write or what I would write about.

In any case, I figured that if the urge ever strikes me to write about my life for all the internet to see, I might as well just make it a part of my own website. 🙂 So, if you want to know about the events in my life, here is the place to check! The only drawback of course, is that readers can’t comment on each entry, like they can at those official blogging sites, but in the meantime, that is fine.

I guess I will take this first official post to proclaim my love for all things Mozilla. If you aren’t using Mozilla, or one of its offspring to surf the web, allow me to ask, “WHY ON EARTH NOT??” Perhaps you aren’t aware of the numerous security holes that Internet Explorer has? Mozilla and its derivatives also have some other pluses going for them. The browsers have popup blocking built into them. That alone should make it worth it. There is support for tabbed web browsing as well, which is a feature I have truly come to love: nothing like having a dozen web pages open at once, but all within the same browser! On I.E., you’d have a dozen different windows open to do that, plus all the popup ads that undoubtedly litter most web sites.

Another feature, (though this takes some computer nerd skills) is that you can set Mozilla up to actually filter out certain images from a web page. I have mine setup to eat all those banner ads that are a specific size, not to mention any picture coming from a directory named /ads on a web server. Makes my browsing experience much better! This feature is somewhat more difficult to setup though, as you have to edit some configuration files.

In any case, I highly recommend that you download a derivative of Mozilla called Firebird. You can find it here.

And with that, I leave you with Mozilla’s own marketing campaign 🙂

Mozilla Firebird